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CCS7, also known as Signaling System 7 (SS7)

s a digital signaling protocol used in telecommunications networks to transmit and manage call setup, routing, and other signaling messages between network elements. Here’s a detailed explanation of how CCS7 works:

  1. CCS7 is a packet-based signaling system that uses a separate signaling network to transmit signaling messages between network elements. The signaling network is made up of signaling transfer points (STPs), which act as message routers, and signaling end points (SEPs), which are the endpoints that originate and terminate signaling messages.
  2. CCS7 messages are divided into two parts: the user part and the signaling part. The user part contains information related to the call, such as the calling and called party numbers, while the signaling part contains information related to the handling of the call, such as the routing of the call through the network.
  3. The CCS7 signaling messages are transmitted between STPs and SEPs using a signaling link. The signaling link is a physical connection between two network elements that carries signaling messages in a digital format. The signaling link is typically implemented using a dedicated data circuit or a channel on a larger data circuit.
  4. The CCS7 signaling messages are transmitted using a specific protocol called the Message Transfer Part (MTP). The MTP defines the format and structure of the signaling messages and provides mechanisms for error detection, error correction, and message routing.
  5. The MTP is divided into three levels: MTP Level 1, MTP Level 2, and MTP Level 3. MTP Level 1 is responsible for the physical transmission of signaling messages over the signaling link. MTP Level 2 is responsible for error detection, error correction, and flow control of the signaling messages. MTP Level 3 is responsible for the routing of the signaling messages through the signaling network.
  6. Once a signaling message is received at an STP, the STP uses the information in the signaling part of the message to determine the next network element to which the message should be forwarded. The STP then forwards the signaling message to the next network element using another signaling link and the MTP.
  7. The signaling messages are transmitted between network elements in a hierarchical structure, with each STP acting as a message router for a specific set of network elements. This allows for efficient routing of signaling messages through the network and enables the network to handle large volumes of signaling traffic.
  8. In addition to call setup and routing, CCS7 is used for a variety of other signaling functions in telecommunications networks, including call teardown, call forwarding, call waiting, and caller ID.

Overall, CCS7 provides a reliable and efficient mechanism for transmitting and managing signaling messages in telecommunications networks, allowing for efficient call setup and routing, as well as a variety of other signaling functions.

the SS7 network(SS7 and CCS7 are often used interchangeably to refer to the same signaling system. SS7 stands for Signaling System 7, while CCS7 stands for Common Channel Signaling System 7) and their respective responsibilities:

STP (Signaling Transfer Point)– Routes signaling messages between signaling end points (SEPs)<br>- Performs message screening and routing based on destination point code (DPC) and service information (SI)<br>- Resolves global title translation (GTT) addresses
SCP (Service Control Point)– Provides intelligent network (IN) services such as call forwarding and caller ID<br>- Responds to queries from STPs or SEPs
SSP (Service Switching Point)– Receives and generates signaling messages to control call setup, teardown and routing<br>- Queries SCP for IN services<br>- Interfaces with the PSTN
SEP (Signaling End Point)– Generates and receives SS7 messages<br>- Interfaces with SSP, SCP or other SEPs

Here’s a diagrammatic representation of the SS7 network:

+——+ +—-+ +—–+ +—–+
| SEP |<–| SSP|–>| STP |<–| STP |
+——+ +—-+ +—–+ +—–+
| SCP |

In this diagram, the signaling messages flow from the SEP to the SSP, then to the STP, and finally to the destination SEP or SCP. The STP performs message routing and screening based on the destination point code and service information, while the SCP provides intelligent network services such as call forwarding and caller ID

SCTP(Stream Control Transmission Protocol)

It is a transport layer protocol that provides reliable, message-oriented communication between two endpoints. SCTP was initially developed for telephony signaling over IP networks, but it can also be used for other applications that require reliable, ordered delivery of data, such as file transfer and streaming media.

SCTP is similar to TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), but it has some additional features that make it better suited for certain applications. For example, SCTP supports multiple streams of data within a single connection, which allows for more efficient use of network resources. It also provides built-in support for multi-homing, which means that endpoints can have multiple IP addresses and network paths, providing greater resilience and redundancy.

SCTP is defined in RFC 4960 and is an IETF standard protocol.

After SS7, some newer signaling protocols were developed, such as SIGTRAN and Diameter. SIGTRAN (Signaling Transport) is a protocol that allows SS7 signaling messages to be transported over IP networks, while Diameter is a newer protocol used in 4G and 5G networks for authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) messages.

SIGTRAN(Signaling Transport)

which is an IP-based protocol used to transmit SS7 signaling messages over an IP network. Here are some key points to explain SIGTRAN in detail:

  1. Need for SIGTRAN: As networks transitioned to IP-based technologies, there was a need to transmit SS7 signaling messages over IP networks. SIGTRAN was developed to facilitate this communication by providing reliable and efficient transport of SS7 messages over IP.
  2. Protocol architecture: SIGTRAN protocol architecture consists of three layers: the adaptation layer, the transport layer, and the application layer.
  3. Adaptation layer: The adaptation layer is responsible for converting SS7 signaling messages into a format suitable for transport over IP. This layer defines several protocols, including M2PA, M3UA, and SUA, which are used to transport SS7 messages over IP networks.
  4. Transport layer: The transport layer provides reliable transport of SS7 messages over IP. This layer uses the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) to provide reliable and ordered delivery of SS7 messages.
  5. Application layer: The application layer provides access to SS7 services, such as ISUP and SCCP, over an IP network.
  6. Benefits of SIGTRAN: SIGTRAN offers several benefits, including reduced cost and complexity of network infrastructure, improved scalability, and increased flexibility.
  7. Use cases: SIGTRAN is widely used in modern telecommunications networks, including 3G and 4G mobile networks, as well as in IP-based networks used for voice over IP (VoIP) and other data services.

Overall, SIGTRAN provides a standardized and efficient method for transporting SS7 signaling messages over IP networks, enabling seamless communication between traditional SS7 networks and modern IP-based networks.


Diameter is a signaling protocol used for authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) in many IP-based networks, including 3G, 4G, and 5G mobile networks. Here are some points that explain Diameter signaling in detail:

  1. Diameter is a successor to the older Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) protocol, which was widely used in dial-up networks.
  2. Diameter is a client-server protocol, where a Diameter client sends a request to a Diameter server and receives a response. The requests and responses are exchanged using Diameter messages, which are carried over TCP or SCTP transport protocols.
  3. Diameter messages have a common format, consisting of a header and a payload. The header contains information such as the message type, message length, and session ID, while the payload contains the actual data being exchanged.
  4. Diameter supports various message types, including authentication, authorization, and accounting messages. These messages are used to establish and maintain a session between a user and a network, and to provide network access control and usage monitoring.
  5. Diameter is extensible, meaning that new message types and attributes can be added as needed. This allows Diameter to be used in a variety of network environments and use cases.
  6. Diameter supports security features such as encryption, message integrity, and replay protection, which help to prevent unauthorized access and data tampering.
  7. Diameter can be used in conjunction with other protocols such as SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), to provide end-to-end network signaling and control.
  8. Some common applications of Diameter include mobile network authentication, authorization, and accounting; Wi-Fi hotspot access control; and network access control in enterprise environments.

Overall, Diameter is a robust and extensible signaling protocol that provides secure and reliable AAA services in a wide range of network environments.

Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) protocol:

  1. RADIUS is a networking protocol that provides centralized authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) management for users who connect and use a network service.
  2. RADIUS is commonly used in enterprise networks, internet service providers (ISPs), and telecommunications service providers (TSPs) to authenticate users who access network resources such as Wi-Fi access points, VPNs, and remote dial-up services.
  3. RADIUS works by having a network access server (NAS) send user authentication requests to a RADIUS server, which checks the user’s credentials against a database of authorized users. If the user is authorized, the RADIUS server sends a response back to the NAS, allowing the user access to the requested network service.
  4. In addition to authentication, RADIUS also supports authorization and accounting. Authorization controls what network resources a user can access, while accounting tracks the usage of network resources by individual users.
  5. RADIUS uses a client-server model, where the NAS is the client and the RADIUS server is the server. The two communicate using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) on port 1812 for authentication and authorization, and port 1813 for accounting.
  6. RADIUS supports a variety of authentication methods, including Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), and Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP).
  7. RADIUS can be used with various databases for user authentication, including flat files, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), and databases such as MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server.
  8. RADIUS can also be used with various security protocols, including Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP), to provide secure authentication and prevent unauthorized access to network resources.
  9. The latest version of RADIUS is RADIUS Version 3 (RADIUSv3), which includes new features such as support for IPv6 addressing and improved security mechanisms.

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

is a signaling protocol used for initiating, maintaining, modifying, and terminating real-time sessions that involve video, voice, messaging, and other communications applications and services over IP networks. SIP is a text-based protocol that uses the request/response model and works on top of the transport layer, usually using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

Here are some key points explaining SIP in detail:

  1. SIP is a client-server protocol: SIP works on a client-server model, where SIP clients initiate and receive SIP requests, and SIP servers handle these requests and provide the requested services. A SIP client can be any device or application that can initiate or receive a session, such as a softphone, a SIP phone, or a SIP-enabled application.
  2. SIP uses URIs to identify endpoints: SIP uses Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to identify the endpoints involved in a session. The SIP URI identifies the user or service that the SIP client wants to communicate with, and it usually takes the form of sip:user@domain. SIP can also use other URI schemes, such as tel: or http:.
  3. SIP requests and responses: SIP uses a request/response model, where a SIP client sends a request to a SIP server, and the server responds with a response message. The most common SIP requests are INVITE, ACK, BYE, and CANCEL. SIP responses include codes that indicate the status of the request, such as 200 OK, 404 Not Found, or 503 Service Unavailable.
  4. SIP message structure: SIP messages are text-based and have a similar structure to HTTP messages. They consist of a start-line, headers, and a message body. The start-line contains the method, URI, and SIP version for requests, and the status code, reason phrase, and SIP version for responses. The headers contain additional information about the message, such as the type of content in the message body, the transport protocol used, or authentication credentials.
  5. SIP transactions: SIP transactions represent a series of request/response messages exchanged between a SIP client and server. A transaction starts with a request and ends with a final response or a timeout. SIP transactions can be INVITE transactions or non-INVITE transactions, depending on the type of request.
  6. SIP proxies: SIP proxies are intermediaries that receive SIP requests from clients and forward them to other servers or clients. A SIP proxy can modify the SIP message, route the message to the appropriate destination, or perform authentication and authorization checks. SIP proxies can be stateful or stateless, depending on whether they maintain session information.
  7. SIP and SIGTRAN: SIP can use the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) as a transport protocol instead of UDP or TCP. SIP over SCTP is sometimes referred to as SIGTRAN, which is a protocol suite that provides transport services for various signaling protocols, including SIP, over IP networks.

In summary, SIP is a text-based protocol used for establishing and managing real-time sessions between endpoints over IP networks. It uses a request/response model, URIs to identify endpoints, and can use SCTP as a transport protocol. SIP is widely used in VoIP, video conferencing, and messaging applications, among others.

IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) protocol:

  1. IMS is an architectural framework for delivering multimedia services over IP-based networks, such as the internet.
  2. IMS is based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and is designed to provide a standardized way of handling multimedia sessions between different networks and devices.
  3. IMS enables a wide range of multimedia services, including voice, video, messaging, and presence information.
  4. One of the key features of IMS is its ability to support both circuit-switched and packet-switched networks, allowing for seamless integration with legacy systems.
  5. IMS provides a centralized control and management system for multimedia sessions, which allows for greater flexibility and scalability compared to traditional telephony systems.
  6. IMS uses the Diameter protocol for authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) functions, which are critical for ensuring the security and integrity of multimedia sessions.
  7. IMS is widely used in modern telecommunications networks and is considered to be an essential technology for delivering advanced multimedia services to customers.
  8. SIP and Diameter messages can be transported over SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) in the IMS network, providing reliable transport for these signaling messages.
  9. IMS is often used in conjunction with other protocols and technologies, such as LTE (Long-Term Evolution) and VoLTE (Voice over LTE), to enable advanced multimedia services over mobile networks.

Overall, IMS is a key protocol for delivering multimedia services over IP-based networks and is widely used in modern telecommunications networks.

several advanced voice protocols

Here are a few examples:

  1. WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) – a free, open-source project that enables real-time communication through web browsers. It supports audio and video chat, file sharing, and screen sharing.
  2. H.323 – a protocol for real-time voice and video communication over packet networks, such as the internet. It is commonly used in video conferencing systems.
  3. MGCP (Media Gateway Control Protocol) – a protocol used to control media gateways in Voice over IP (VoIP) networks. It separates the call control signaling from the media gateway, allowing for easier management and maintenance of the network.
  4. RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) – a protocol used to transmit real-time data, such as audio and video, over IP networks. It is commonly used in VoIP systems to transport voice traffic.
  5. MEGACO (also known as H.248): A protocol used for controlling media gateways and related devices in a VoIP network.
  6. T.38: A protocol used for real-time fax over IP networks.

Uncovered Protocol

V5.2 (also known as DSS1 or Euro-ISDN) is a protocol used in Europe for communication between an ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) terminal and the ISDN network. It defines the signaling and protocols for call setup and management, as well as other services such as caller ID and call forwarding. V5.2 is used in both basic rate ISDN (BRI) and primary rate ISDN (PRI) connections. It is a legacy protocol and has been largely replaced by newer technologies such as SIP and H.323.


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